Sunday, January 16, 2011


hye meet here!

arini i xident!
lpas balik dr mam dinner at,at..where?
alamak secret..%$$#$%
..bkn lewat sgt mlm td, tp kete byk jgk kat jalan..huhu..
I la yg careless!..its my fault, I ngaku laa..uhuk!
m0m salu tegur i ..focus! focus!..she said..
Lately i salu tak fokus wat pape..adeh!
s0 it never happened again next time..uh,uh!
Help me God!
what happened to my car? what d0 u think?
w0rksh0p laa..
let d car 'w0rk' there 4 a while..hehe..

but! problem,problem..cne nk gerak ke sana, sini..ad0ooiii!!!
i hv to take a cab or bus, i'm n0t used t0 it!!..huhu..
nek m0to tak panday,beh tueh!
ade la jalannyew nnt kn!

eh2! tak nk tye ke i cne xident td? huhu..
i'm 0kje laa..syukur sgt2..
mm thats it laa..bye!

Thank G0d!

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