Saturday, August 6, 2011


4 8 2011

 @happy day@

just w0ndering..



4 8 2010

28 4 2011

4 8 2011

it was a c0incidence....

we plan everything, but Allah is the best Planner of all...

Thursday, May 5, 2011

the m0st wonderful day in 0urr life..sshhh..!!!!

thursday 28/4/2011

fetch you at the airport..
..meet you again..huhu..

we spent the whole day..
and our most memorable night..

a knot..between us..
i'm yours and you are mine..

 ..soooo.. happyyy..

we are now
hope it last

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Happy Birthday to Prince Syraj..

Happy Birthday to you my Sayang..
Wish u all the best in life..
Wishing a long lasting relationship with you..
I love you so much..